Tuesday, August 25, 2015

100 Goals

  1. Get on NikeSB
  2. Get on Fourstar
  3. Go to college
  4. write a book
  5. open a medi
  6. start an apparel company
  7. travel the world
  8. start a family
  9. open a skate shop
  10. skate with shane o'neill
  11. film a video part
  12. skate the berrics
  13. do an nbd 
  14. gather a personal fortune of at least 10 billion.
  15. attend an opera
  16. take singing lessons
  17. go waterskiing.
  18. learn to play the piano
  19. learn to play the saxophone
  20. learn to play the violin
  21. build a shoe closet and fill it up
  22. survive a year in the wilderness
  23. learn to use a bow
  24. become proficient in knife combat
  25. get a black belt in taekwondo
  26. buy a house
  27. eat at least one plate of food from every country in the world
  28. skate every damn day
  29. visit at least one city from each state in the u.s.
  30. own a gun
  31. learn all Latin based languages
  32. learn German
  33. learn Chinese
  34. learn Japanese
  35. Spend some time living in Japan
  36. invent something
  37. become a political activist
  38. meet a girl from every country in the world
  39. swim with dolphins
  40. retire
  41. get a journal for my 100 goals
  42. own a mansion
  43. own multiple cars
  44. take a roadtrip with friends
  45. take a gondola through the canals of venice with my wife/fiancee
  46. participate in street league
  47. go scuba diving

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